On Monday, December 7th, Télé-Québec aired a very thought-provoking documentary called Crise d’identité in which host Bernard Derome interviewed 14 well-known personalities from Quebec about their thoughts of Quebec and its identity in 2015.
Among the 14 personalities was also Simple Plan’s own Jeff Stinco, who made his mark in Quebec not only by being in Simple Plan, bu recently also by his successful restaurant businesses all over Montreal. Check out a still picture of Jeff from the documentary in the gallery:
One of the topics discussed in the documentary was the fact that via various channels, the French language is slowly being “ghetto-ized” and replaced with English. In the documentary, Jeff defended Simple Plan’s choice of the use of English in their songs. He said that he and his band-mates grew up listening to Green Day, NOFX, The Offspring and Blink-182, so it just came naturally for them to “sing in the language of Cobain.” He also added that he was born in the West Island area, in a French-speaking family, grew up on an English street, juggled two languages and was never seen as a “traitor” for not singing in French.