On Friday night, Idobi radio aired the newest episode of the Mike Herrera Hour podcast, which was recorded in Seattle on September 3rd and featured Seb Lefebvre from Simple Plan. In the podcast, Seb discussed a number of very interesting topics including the beginnings of Simple Plan and being called sell-outs, the differences between his morning routine on tour and at home, speaking English better thanks to joining the band, starting the Man Of The Hour show and also David’s absence on tour and what his hopes are regarding fans’ reactions when David does come back.
You can listen to the episode in full below, or just check out the recap I prepared for you under the player:
– Seb was never an actual janitor as a teenager – he just used to clean the gymnasium at his school every night after school
– he knew Pierre and Chuck through Reset – the most popular school band at his school (his actual first show) and he knew Jeff as his brother’s best friend and the school’s rock god
– Seb was the most convenient band member to join the band (SP), cause he lived the closest and could get to rehearsals fast (on his rollerblades with his guitar on his back), since he live in the same area as Chuck
– he discussed the negative reactions SP got after separating from Reset (which was most punk-rock) especially from their hometown and starting their own thing, which wasn’t as political and wasn’t as punk-rock – they started being called mainstream sell-outs
– Mike admirers SP for always looking to the future an learning from their mistakes
– Seb thinks because Chuck is not just a drummer, but he is mostly the manager and he keeps informed about everything that involves the band, has helped the band a lot to not rely with these things on other people and keep being involved in every decision
– Seb discussed his love for Framus guitars and Jeff’s love for Fender
– Seb’s morning routine on tour: Seb’s the first one up (8:30-9:00am), breakfest, yoga and workout, shower, stroll around the city, work on laptop – a very chill time, he doesn’t like to stress out
– recently, Seb started to live more of a minimalist lifestyle
– Seb’s morning routine at home: he has to wait for his wife to be at work and his child at daycare before he can do anything just for himself – other than that, he tries to spend as much time with his family as he can, but sometimes, when he has things to do, he asks his wife to make plans with her friends, so he can work on stuff on his own
– when he was young, he didn’t have a lot of English-speaking friends, his English wasn’t very good, but being in a band and English suddenly being everywhere has helped him speak much better English
– Seb prefers binging TV shows than watching them in real-time
– after SNGA, Tom from Idobi called them to start a radio show and Seb always loved doing radio interviews and Pat always hung around them when he was touring with SP, they gave it a go and that’s how the Man Of The Hour radio show started
– David’s absence on tour – SP don’t want to replace him and want him to get better – but out of respect for the fans, they continue touring and just use David’s pre-recorded bass live and Chady plays bass on some tracks. Seb respects David for coming out with his depression and for seeking help
– Seb hopes that when David comes back, their fans will respect him, not patronize him, not asking him questions about his depression and will just let him be – he also confirmed that David probably won’t be doing interviews to talk about it when he comes back
– Mike asked Seb what he likes to do when he produces music – he likes to begin from the start – he likes to write songs with them and work as if they are starting a new band – as if the artist is a blank canvas