Pierrův Twitter song!

Před několika dny Pierre konečně dosáhl svých dloho vytoužených 90 000 followerů na sociální síti Twitter. Za odměnu všem svým věrným followerům složil a nahrál během chvilky „Twitter song“.

Text k němu vám přikládám níže (mimochodem, Pierre se všem zemím, které opomněl zmínit ve své písni, později na Twitteru omluvil, konkrétně při zmiňování opomenutých zemí dodal: „A nemohu zapomenout na Českou republiku!“), český překlad doplním o něco později i do Lyrics centra :) Užijte si ho:

This song goes out to all my Twitter fans, I love you.
I still remember the first time I heard about Twitter.


I thought what the hell is this,
is this something I should even consider.

*noone’s gonna use this*

Just when I was getting a hang of my Myspace page

*Ah! Now I get it!*

But now no-one’s even checking, well I guess that was the MySpace phase.


Well now I’ve got the phone app,
I can post my twitpics.
And follow Kim Kardashian

*or not*

All I really know is 90 000 people’s a lot.

*Yeah, that’s a lot of followers.
I don’t care what you say, Justin Bieber*

Now I’m talking shit,
saying things that I should keep for myself

*I’m picking my nose*

Like what I’m doing in the bathroom
and the details of my sexual health.

*It’s like I’m a burning sensation*

It’s kind of funny that
my account still isn’t verified.
If I get to a hundred thousand
then maybe I won’t be denied.


Now I know the lingo, I can even hashtag
and RT all my friends‘ tweets


All I really know is 90 000 people’s a lot.
Yeah that’s a lot of people! 90 000 followers!
Thank you so much. All of our fans everywhere!

In Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela,
Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay,
everywhere in South America and Central America,
you guys are amazing.

How about a shout-out to all our fans in Europe,
We’ve got tons of people out there.

We’ve got Spain, Italy, France, UK,
all the Scandinavian countries: Sweden, Norway,
we’ve got people in Denmark.
What’s up Russia!

A big shout-out to our fans down in Africa,
And also in Australia, New Zeeland, down under, what’s up baby!

Everyone in Japan, China, Singapore, Malaysia,
Indonesia, all over Southeast Asia,

We love you,
Peace out!

We’ll see you on tour!