Poslechněte si nový song Simple Plan ‚Congratulations‘

Poslechněte si nový song Simple Plan ‚Congratulations‘

K oslavě oznámení data vydání jejich nového alba ‚Harder Than It Looks‘ (6. května), dnes Simple Plan vydali zbrusu novou píseň, které se stane šestou písní na tomto albu, a která nese název ‚Congratulations‘ a podle kapely se jedná o jejich nejnovější oficiální single.

Píseň je velmi melodická, což je pro Simple Plan velmi typické, a je velmi pravděpodobné, že ji nebudete mohi z hlavy dostat celý den. Artwork k této písni se symbolikou dýky zabodnuté v srdci najdete v galerii a celý song si konečně můžete také poslechnout zde prostřednictvím oficiálního vizualizéru (text k písni pak najdete níže):


With a smile on your face
Talking sweet when you say
That you had no clue
You had no clue

But all this time, a perfect plan
To stick your knife in my back
Just like you hoped to
Like you hoped to

But you’re the one that’s gotta live with what you do
(You’re the one that’s gotta live with what you do)
Karma karma’s gonna come right back for
Karma karma’s gonna come right back for you

I hope you’re happy now
With the little that you got
Was it worth it?

But just remember
That what goes up comes down
It’s a long fall from the top

It must feel good, it must be nice
When your heart is cold as ice
And you feel nothin’
You feel nothin’

But is it hard to fall asleep
To close your eyes, do you see
The payback comin’
It’s comin’, yeah

You’re the one that’s gotta live with what you do
(You’re the one that’s gotta live with what you do)
Karma karma’s gonna come right back for
Karma karma’s comin’ back for you

I hope you’re happy now
With the little that you got
Was it worth it?

But just remember
That what goes up comes down
It’s a long fall from the top

You’re the one that’s gotta live with what you do
(You’re the one that’s gotta live with what you do)
Karma karma’s gonna come right back for you
Congratulations (congratulations, congratulations)

I hope you’re happy now
With the little that you got
Was it worth it?

But just remember
That what goes up comes down
It’s a long fall from the top
