Po mnoha a mnoha letech čekání od My Christmas List, se fanoušci Simple Plan konečně dočkali nové vánoční písně! Pierre si sice loni zazpíval na jedné vánoční písni a Sebastien před lety vydal s Katie Rox dokonce vánoční EP, ale opravdovou vánoční píseň od Simple Plan jsme tu neměli už od roku 2001!
Poslechněte si tedy nový vánoční song „Christmas Every Day“, který byl právě vydán na Spotify – a třeba vám pomůže dostat se do vánoční nálady! Píseň již také můžete zakoupit na iTunes. Obal singlu již také nyní naleznete ve vysocé kvalitě v naší galerii.
Poslechněte si novou vánoční píseň SP níže, či na Spotify a zazpívejte si také její text, který najdete pod videem:
I wish it was Christmas
Christmas every day
We could just let it snow forever
And live on holiday
There would be presents every morning
Under every tree
Oh, Santa Claus if I could have my way
I wish it was Christmas every day
School is out
No work today
So in my PJs I will stay
Staring at this winter wonderland
Reindeer slippers on my feet
Christmas vacation on TV
I feel like I am just a kid again
I can see the Christmas lights appear
Welcome to the best time of the year
I wish it was Christmas
Christmas every day
We could just let it snow forever
And live on holiday
There would be present every morning
Under every tree
Oh, Santa Claus if I could have my way
I wish it was Christmas every day
Kissing under the mistletoe
52 weeks in a row
Now you’ve got me shouting out with glee
No more wars and no more fights
Peace on Earth comes every night
What a wonderful world this could be
I can see the Christmas lights appear
Welcome to the best time of the year
I wish it was Christmas
Christmas every day
We could just let it snow forever
And live on holiday
There would be presents every morning
Under every tree
Oh, Santa Claus if I could have my way
I wish it was Christmas every day
Christmas every day
I wish it was Christmas
Christmas every day
We could just let it snow forever
And live on holiday
There would be presents every morning
Under every tree
Oh, Santa Claus if I could have my way
I wish it was Christmas
I wish it was Christmas
I wish it was Christmas every day
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