Time for a new Simple Plan record also means time for a new version of SimplePlan.cz: a new start with a “clean slate”. And a clean look was exactly what I wanted to achieve with this new design. If you don’t see any changes to the website, please make sure to refresh it.
As you can see, I didn’t necessarily change up the colors from the past design (which was black/white/purple) as much, as these colors still prevail. However, I decided to brigten it up with some flashes of these gorgeous periwinkle and coral tones. The simple background adds up to the cleanness of the layout. For the header I chose the beautiful image of Simple Plan mid-jump on stage taken by Chady Awad, which was featured in Simple Plan: The Official Story. SimplePlan.cz’s logo dominates the upper part of the header, making it more visible than ever before.
Let me now walk you through some other changes – both minor and major that I have made to the website and that should help enhance your reading experience.
What’s new?
The buttons for the Czech / English language versions are still located in the top left corner (but are centered in the mobile version of the site), but this time around you can always easily see which version you’re on, by checking which language name has a border around it.
A change has also been made to the font size of all pages and articles. The size of the text is now slightly bigger for a better and easier reading experience.
One of the requests I had from you was for me to include a link to the upcoming tourdates in the main navigation – so here it is. You can now find it there under “TOUR” as well as in the sidebar and in the footer.
Let’s talk mobile now: I was finally able to fix the malfunctioning “hamburger menu” (the roll-out navigation opened after clicking on the three-lined icon) in the mobile versions of the site. The menu is now color-coordinated with the rest of the design, rolls out from the left and you can access it whether you’re at the top of the page or at its bottom. Besides this change, due to your requests I have also added the tagboard to the mobile version of the site – while in the regular version you can find it in the sidebar, in mobile it’s all the way at the bottom in the footer of the page available for all your inquiries.
And some of my final changes were regarding some of the sections of the website. With the recent boom (pun intended) of the so-called “buzz singles” – which aren’t proper singles and the confusion that it led to within the fandom, I decided to completely revamp the section “Singles”. You can now find there a detailed explanation of the difference between a regular and a buzz single and also a list of all of these in Simple Plan’s history.
There is a couple more minor changes that I made that aren’t worth mentioning, some from a design point of you, some from a content point of view and there is still a couple more (and one major one) that I plan to work on in the upcoming weeks.
I genuinely hope you will enjoy this new design of the website. It’s been almost two years since the last change and I thought it was about time to switch things up a bit [see all the past SimplePlan.cz looks from 2007 till now here] Please let me know in the comments what you think of it and I’ll be grateful for any additional (even negative!) comments you can think of. Cheers!