One of the most influential and impactful pop-punk albums of all time, Blink 182’s ‘Enema Of The State’ celebrated 20 years since its release yesterday. It’s of course a known fact that Blink 182 were (and still are) one of the biggest influences on Simple Plan in their early years and due to the fact that since Reset, Chuck and Mark Hoppus knew each other, Simple Plan had Mark Hoppus fall in love with one of their songs (I’d Do Anything) even before it came their debut album was released. That eventually also led to him accepting Simple Plan’s offer to sing on the track.
Blink’s impact on Simple Plan has been massive, so it’s no surprise that yesterday right on the 20th anniversary of ‘Enema Of The State’, Patrick Langlois (Simple Plan’s former tour manager, merch guy and photographer) dug out a couple of 20-year-old photos from May 1999, when him and Chuck got to hang out with Mark Hoppus, after which he actually gave them an advance copy of ‘Enema Of The State’ to listen to two whole weeks before it officially came out.
Check out what Patrick had to say about this album and the impact it had on him:
The importance this record holds in my life cannot be overstated. It is without a doubt the album I have listened to the most. I know it by heart front to back: every word, every drum fill, every melody.
I also happen to have been there when the band chose to have their album release party in Montreal. Chuck and I had ran into Mark, Tom and Travis at a college show in Albany a few weeks earlier, so when they came in town to record a live show for MusiquePlus and then hold an autograph session at Foufounes Électriques, they invited us both to come along.
I was 18 years old, had loved the band since day one (I still have a “blink” Cheshire Cat CD, before the 182) and here I was being invited to join the band at dinner. I still remember my now friend Jonathan Bergeron’s face from Universal when he realized everyone that was coming and who he had to pay for dinner 🤣
The date was May 19th 1999 and Mark gave Chuck an advance copy of Enema so by June 1st we already knew it by heart.
I will die saying that this is my favorite album. Happy birthday EOTS!
After Patrick, Chuck later also joined him in celebrations of also his favorite album ever with a series of Instagram Stories, in which he added:
And thank you Patrick for digging up these photos!
And you can now check out the forementioned photos of Chuck and Patrick with Mark Hoppus, from May 19th 1999, in our gallery: