As we’ve known for a couple of days now, as a part of the DVD that Simple Plan are planning to release by the end of the year, there should be a footage from live Simple Plan shows. And for the filming in Australia, according to the film crew, the guys will be recording majority of the live shows during the tour Down Under (thanks Kath for the info). Although the most mentioned show to be filmed has been Melbourne, where Simple Plan played for the sold-out Festival Hall last night.
The film crew of this live footage includes Peter John from Epik Films (who recorded for instance this video of Loser Of The Year in 2011) and other filmmakers, such as Jordan Grace, Saul Martinez, Lachlan Campbell, Cade Emberry or Aaron Foley.
In the backstage of the show in Melbourne, the whole film crew decided to take a picture together along with Pierre, which you can now have a look at in the gallery: