Today, on February 12th, we commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the release of the latest SP album – the self-titled album “Simple Plan”!
The CD that was released on February 12th 2008 was produced by Dave Fortman and co-produced by Danja Hills. Firstly it was supposed to come out few days before – on January 31st but then the release date was post-poned to February. For some people, this particular album was very different from all the previous Simple Plan’s work – in contrast with SNGA or NPNHJB it included a lot more pop and “hip-hop” elements – remember Chuck’s “rap” on Holding On?

The album included 11 songs (plus, the deluxe editions included also Running Out Of Time and an acoustic version of When I’m Gone), of which 3 came out to be singles – When I’m Gone, Your Love Is A Lie and Save You became the official singles and music videos were made for these 3 songs as well. The asian company Animax, who prodeces animated movies decided to publish the song I Can Wait Forever (which is also included on the soundtrack from the animated movie LaMB) as an animated music video, even thought it has never been released as an official single. Next songs, which weren’t released as singles but were played in radios anyway were “No Love” and “Generation” – the latter was even chosen to become the goal song for the 100th season of the hockey team Montreal Canadiens (whch is by the way Simple Plan’s favourite hockey team).