Category Archives: new album

New promo picture for the Get Your Heart On! album

Even though it’s going to be a year in just about a month, since Simple Plan released their 4th studio album Get Your Heart On!, there are still new pictures from the photoshoot for the album cover popping up on the internet.

In the gallery you can now check out this exclusive photo that was used as a French promo for the release of the record:

Simple Plan plan to release new DVD and EP this year!

For a few months now, the guys from Simple Plan have been teasing us with many little hints on their plans on making a sequel to their very successful DVD: A Big Package For You, and that also an EP with some unreleased Simple Plan songs is in works. In yesterday’s interview for the Canadian radio Hot 103, the guys talked about this matter a bit more and mentioned they want to release both projects till the end of the year:

Pierre: Well, I think that this year we’ll put together a DVD.

Chuck: There is a lot of stuff coming in 2012, it’s our [10th anniversary], so what I’d like to do this year is to have some new songs that didn’t make this last record come out for the fans. Make them wait for the next record. Because they’re impatient, they want a new album, so maybe we’ll release some new songs this year.

Check out the whole interview from Hot 103 below:

Get Your Heart On! featured on “best albums of 2011” lists!

Stating which album is the best one is undoubtedlya very complicated and most importantly a very ungrateful job – “the best” being such a subjective attribute makes the decision-making process very difficult. Yet still many magazines and music websites have recently been publishing lots of “best albums of 2011” lists – and Simple Plan’s 4th studio album is featured on at least two of them:

Alter The Press

According to Alter The Press, Get Your Heart On! reached the no. 8 spot on their TOP10 list of albums of the year:

“Even after twelve years of being together as a band, Simple Plan still manage the churn out the hits one by one with their fourth full-length studio release, ‘Get Your Heart On’. With songs like ‘Jet Lag’, which has already gone double platinum in Australia alone, this album is one not to be missed and has easily stolen the title for best pop/rock album of the year.”

Not only that – Alter The Press has also declared Simple Plan’s “Jet Lag” the best pop song of the year.

Our Zone Mag

Earlier this year Our Zone Mag gave Get Your Heart On! 9 out of 10 points in their review, calling is “simply awesome”. So it’s no wonder this album made it also to the their list of the best albums of 2011:

“This album marked the band’s return to their core pop-punk sound, which had been overshadowed in their previous couple of releases. Get Your Heart On! really embodies the charms of Simple Plan and has to be one of the best pop/rock albums of the year.

New original photos from the Get Your Heart On! photoshoot

Thanks to my colleagues over at here are a few amazing new original photos for the booklet of the Get Your Heart On! album. Some of them you may have seen already on each of the different versions of the official website, on which the guys did a complete makeover of themselves to look like bands like Wham!, The Ramones, RUN DMC and The Beach Boys. Now you can check out all these photos, including the original version of the one used on the front cover of Get Your Heart On!, in the gallery:

Four Simple Plan songs banned in China due to “erotic content”

The Ministry of Culture in China has released a blacklist of 100 songs that are now banned from China because they “could cause damage to the cultural security of the country” due to their poor taste and vulgar content”. However, the selecting process of these 100 songs still remains a mystery as some of the songs (e.g. from The Backstreet Boys) are over 12 years old.

Among the musicians whose music has been banned in China, Lady Gaga is in the lead with 6 songs in total (The Edge of Glory, Hair, Marry the Night, Americano, Judas and Bloody Mary). Apart from her, the banned songs also include Britney Spears, Owl City, Katy Perry, Eminem, Christina Aguilera, Kylie Minogue and surprisingly even Simple Plan.

Four Simple Plan songs have been banned in China: all of them belonging to their latest record Get Your Heart On!: “You Suck At Love”, “Can’t Keep My Hands Off You”, “Freaking Me Out” and “Loser Of The Year”. According to the Ministry of Culture in China the songs are “too erotic and in bad taste”.

Simple Plan’s drummer , Chuck Comeau, commented on this matter via Twitter: “All i have to say is that I love going to China and i love our chinese fans! and that i feel pretty bad-ass being banned! Is it weird that i’m kinda stoked to be considered ”erotic”???”

What is your opinion on banning music in China? Do you agree Simple Plan’s music is erotic?