Category Archives: new album

The writing process of This Song Saved My Life

The song This Song Saved My Life, also known as the final song of Simple Plan’s latest album “Get Your Heart On!” is definitely one of the songs that are very meaningful to many Simple Plan fans. That’s because it’s about them – it sums up what they feel like when they listen to a certain song of their favourite band or how the song helps them go through rough times, how it changes their lives.

Apart from Chuck and Pierre (Simple Plan’s main songwriters), also Toby Gad (who previously wrote famous hits like “Big Girls Don’t Cry” or “If I Were A Boy”) helped to shape this song into what it is today. The most important contribution, though, were the fans: Simple Plan posted a message on Twitter asking their fans to tell them how their music makes them feel. And using their words they came up with This Song Saved My Life. A few of the fans then had a special opportunity to lend their voices to the song itself in the recording studio and the song was born.

Toby Gad Productions has now published an amazing video showing the writing process of This Song Saved My Life:

Get Your Heart On! and Jet Lag gold in Canada!

The new Simple Plan album – Get Your Heart On!, which came out only two weeks ago, has already gone gold in Canada, which (according to the Canadian Recording Industry Association – CRIA) means 40 000 units sold. Also, Simple Plan’s first single Jet Lag also went gold this week. Congratulations!

The record is indeed doing really well – most importantly in Canada! Get Your Heart On! debuted on the second place in Canadian music stores (with Adele being on the no.1 spot) which means Simple Plan have surpassed Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars or Rihanna in the past few weeks when it comes to weekly sales.

Also, the new album is doing pretty good overseas: it debuted on 10th spot in France and Germany, on no.7 in Switzerland and on 13th in Australia. And According to the US Billboard chart, it’s currently on the 52th place and on the 10th place of the alternative albums sales.

When it comes to the critical reception, according to Metalcritic, which ranks albums according to the reviews gives by other websites, magazines and other kinds of media, from 0 to 100, Simple Plan are currently at 66, which is a pretty positive news.

Get Your Heart On! officially released!

Even though most of you have probably listened to the new Simple Plan album already – either from the pre-order, from or via some less official ways, it’s definitely needless to remind everybody that today – June 21st 2011 – Get Your Heart On! is being officially released and Simple Plan will celebrate its release at a special concert in the New York City. All the most important info that you should know about the album can be found here.

I get a lot of questions from you guys asking me if there is a deluxe edition of the album available somewhere. As I posted earlier, there will be no deluxe edition (like the one you could get for the 3rd SP album) in a physical form. Although there is a deluxe version of the album available in a digital form via iTunes (and also was available via the Ultimate Fan Bundle pre-order), that includes music videos to CKMHOY and JL and also bonus tracks: Never Should’ve Let You Go, French version of Jet Lag and acoustic Loser Of The Year.

There are definitely two versions of the physical form of the album though: one normal (available pretty much everywhere) and one that is being sold in French territories only (and includes the French Jet Lag and a different sticker on the cover). And most probably there is also a special japanese version of the album. Each album also unlocks a special content after being put in to a computer.

And one more thing: at last night’s show in Montreal, Simple Plan played the live version of This Song Saved My Life, which has already (even after the few days of being available online) become something like fans’ anthem to Simple Plan – even if their music has saved their lives, or just changed them. Below you can check out the video from the show and watch the fans’ reactions:

Track by track: Summer Paradise

Another song that Simple Plan talk about in another video from the Track By Track series is the song Summer Paradise, on which they collaborated with the rapper K’Naan. Below you can check out what the song is about, what kind of feeling it has and during which occasions it’s best to listen to it:

First photo of the insides of Get Your Heart On!


In just a week, you will all be able to have Get Your Heart On! at home in its physical form. Below you can check out the first look into the insides of this album and most importantly the design of the disc:

By the way, you can already find the original lyrics to all the songs from Get Your Heart On! in the Lyrics center.

And one more remark: if any links or hints to where one can download the album were posted anywhere on this website (either in the tagboard or in the comments) – they will be all deleted. Please, respect the band and this website. Thank you.