[from an interview with Simple Plan Space]
“They were always really cool, ever since then they have always treated us with so much respect, even though they are international super stars. They are great guys. These guys have a good time and they love what they do and they treat people with a lot of respect. Which is something that I have always tried to do. Seeing these young guys come up and become very famous and still treat people so well. I am proud of that. I am proud to be friends with guys like that.”

[from an interview with Female First]
(about touring with Simple Plan) “Oh, I’m so excited dude! That was one of the bands I admired growing up. Actually, recently me and Jonathan [Cook, vocals] looked at all their music videos from their old albums. It’s another one of those bands we can mark off and say “Yes! We’ve toured with this band”.”

[from an interview included in Egos and Icons: Simple Plan]
“That “Addicted To You” song is very catchy. They’re young and I think they’re gonna have an opportunity to really develop.”

[from a tweet to a fan via Twitter]
“Nicest, most professional band we’ve met. Great role models for any band.”
[from an interview for Energy 106]
Mike: “We’re not allowed to mingle until Simple Plan is done [playing]. We have to give them their time. Damn Simple Plan. They are so nice. Why are they so nice? I could just hate them, it would be so much easier!”

[from a concert in Montreal, Canada]
“We have to shout out our friends who are here – Simple Plan! They fucking took us on our first massive Canadian tour and really exposed us to a lot of fans, so thank you!“
[from an interview with AllTimeLow.cz]
“[Time Bomb] was kind of like an honor to the band that we grew up listening to and the fact that we kind of got to work with them was pretty awesome.”

[from an interview with MTV]
“At the end of the day, I would probably rather eat a goat ball than watch “I’m Just A Kid” by Simple Plan. Because, I think their album was called “No Pads, No Helmets, No Balls.”… no goat balls, no any balls. And I would rather eat a goat ball than watch that video or hear that band or hear the name, or even watch the movie, that has nothing to do with the band but they took the name. I wouldn’t watch that movie. I will not watch it. I would rather eat a goat’s ball. Just right off the goat.”

[from an interview used for Simple Plan: The Official Story]
“They were full of life, unpretentious, joyful. They always showed their appreciation and constantly thanked us for taking them on the tour. From the beginning, it was clear they were a bunch of good guys. They were very respectful – they made sure they never got in our way. We were lazy old rock stars and they were as jumpy as fleas!”
“I thought “Wow! – These guys really make up a group in the purest sense of the word.“ You could see right away that here were five distinct personalities who all brought their own colour to the sound of the band. If you took one of them out of the equation, Simple Plan wouldn’t be Simple Plan anymore. On stage, the band was already going all out. Their voices and vocal harmonies were amazing! Every time they played, they killed ’em! I remember seeing that first show and thinking that those guys were the real deal.”
“As the tour went on, I saw them toughening up and becoming more confident. We were older… that was one of out last good tours, in terms of attendance and album sales. I felt we were passing the torch. A lot of people who came to see us went home from our shows as Simple Plan fans. I think they sold more merchandise than we did on that tour.”
“I used to tell the crowd that one day, we’d be opening for Simple Plan… and I’m still waiting for the invitation.”

[from an interview with Simple Plan Space]
(on working with SP) “[It was] so great, the shows were unbelievable, and the crowds were so nice. The guys from Simple Plan were of such professionals, but down to earth as well. It was such a privilege to perform with them.
(on influence from SP) “Seeing their live show was a totally different experience from just hearing them. They are very talented performers, and the live show was non-stop, full of humour, and basically a flawless performance. Seeing that made us realize what was possible so we are always striving to become that polished live.

[from an email sent to Chuck Comeau as shown in Simple Plan: The Official Story]
(on Simple Plan’s demo) “Let me tell you how stoked I am on it. The sound quality is great, everything sounds so good! The drums sound great, the vocals rule, with guitars cut well, and the bass sounds full and rad. And all of your performances really kick ass. [Chuck] did some phenomenal drumming on this litte demo. And also, “Anything” is honestly one of my ten favourite songs of all time right now. Seriously. I have that song on repeat on my CD player and have listened to it about ten times in a row. Really great song. Beautiful song. The vocal melody and harmonies are truly genius. Brilliant. I will honestly do anything that I can to get the word out about [Simple Plan].“

[from a CTFxC vlog]
“The guys from Simple Plan have been amazingly nice people. It’s kind of crazy to kind of think about… you know, growing up, listening to these guys for ten years… and then, you know, going on tour with them. It’s kind of like… We were all fangirling – we were trying to act cool, but it was really hard not to.“

[from a Livejournal entry written after touring with Simple Plan in fall 2005]
“We’ve met a lot of great people and made tons of new friends [on this tour]. Including David from Simple Plan. He’s been so nice to us and been really encouraging. He told Zac (Farro, ex-drummer) that Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters) is gonna flip out when he hears him play the drums.”