You’ve probably noticed that over the past few weeks, the news around Simple Plan have become slower and slower, as the band members returned to their homes in order to have some downtime and regain strength before the next big important step: the making of album #6.
But what exactly have the boys been up to in the past few weeks besides filming Summertime Dropouts? Let’s see!
While at home, Sebastien tries to divide his time between his family, friends and his hobbies, one of which includes working on music with other artists. As of right now, Sebastien hinted on his Instagram that he’s “got a few things to work on” in his home studio, which could mean he might be working with more artists on their new music, but he could also be working on some Simple Plan-related stuff. And speaking of music-related stuff – earlier this week, Sebastien attended the opening of a new Sennheiser office in Montreal, Canada, in order to support the brand that has been supporting Simple Plan with their audio gear for a very long-time.
Besides Seb’s music, we could hopefully also expect season 27 of his and Patrick’s Idobi radio show Man Of The Hour to grace the internet radio waves with its presence soon, so we’re sure there will be a lot more Sebastien-related news coming soon.
For the past few weeks, Jeff Stinco has been very active on Instagram, where he started a “100 days of practice” challenge. In it, Jeff aims to practice his guitar-playing skills every day for a 100 days, while sharing some of his best videos on social media. Make sure to follow his Instagram to watch these videos, which include compositions such as Pink Floyd’s ‘Is There Anybody Out There’ or John Mayer’s ‘Slow Dancing In A Burning Room’ – definitely worth checking out!
Other than that, Jeff has stated that he’s been enjoying the last days of summer at his lake house, where he likes to spend most of his time playing with power tools and stacking wood for the winter.
Both Pierre and Chuck have been mostly silent on social media recently about their current going-ons. We can imagine that both of them are trying to make up for all the time spend on the road far away from their families by actually being present and enjoying their children while they can.
It shouldn’t take long and hopefully very soon we should finally hear the first news about this song-writing duo getting back together, as they should be just about to start working on new Simple Plan songs – because after all, that is where the beginnings of any Simple Plan album creating process always start – with these two in one room, discussing music, lyrics and ideas.
It’d be impossible to write a piece on the members of Simple Plan and not include David, as despite his absence on tour for over a year now, due to his struggles with depression, he’s still a member of Simple Plan. Currently there are no news available to us regarding David’s situation, but we sincerely hope that he is using this time off to get better and regain all the strength he will need whenever he rejoins the band on stage again in the future.