Are you seriously craving some emo content? Look no further! We got you covered! Or rather… Matt Cutshall does.
Matt Cutshall, who grew to fame on social media in the past few years after publishing various video skits titled “felt emo might delete”, in which his current blond self turns into his former emo self once more and does all sorts of emo things, sometimes even involving many emo-related people. You may recognize him from this video feat. Alex and Jack from All Time Low.
And apparently Matt wasn’t done with the pop-punk/emo icons there. In his most recent video, published today, Matt once-again appears as his emo self, alongside his girlfriend Arielle Vandenberg – and also two icons of the emo kids – Pierre Bouvier from Simple Plan and professional skateboarder Tony Hawk. We won’t spoil the plot for you, but let’s just say that it turns out Pierre and Tony have more in common than just their fondness of skateboarding.
Check out the latest “felt emo again might delete” sketch comedy video below: