Sebastien on what we can expect from next Simple Plan album in a new Alternative Press interview

While on Warped Tour this summer, the journalists from Alternative Press caught up with Seb Lefebvre from Simple Plan and asked him a number of fairly interesting questions to get to know him a little better. The questions revolved around topics such as his name for a potential SP tribute band, which band he would like to cover some Simple Plan songs, which SP song would he re-write if he could… and also the obvious topic of the next Simple Plan album came up.

Alternative Press asked: ‘What can fans expect from a follow up to Taking One For The Team?’ – and Seb’s answer? Check it out below!

I think just another fun album, you know. I think we’re always very slow at writing, so I think the plan is that right after the Warped Tour we’re gonna start writing and as soon as we have something decent, we’re gonna put it out – right away. Cause, you know, it’s fun!

– Seb Lefebvre –

We’re happy to hear that Simple Plan still plan on releasing the album as fast as they can and hopefully not take as long with the process of creating it, as they’ve done previously (in the past the process has taken about a year and half each time, writing sessions included). From Seb’s words we can also see that Chuck’s idea of ‘releasing the new album in batches’ (that he shared in an interview earlier this year), seem to still be in the band’s mind and we might actually get some new SP music quicker, but the whole album would be released over a longer period of time, in parts.

Could we be looking at a 2019 release date then? Let’s cross our fingers! What would YOU like the next Simple Plan album to be like? Let us know in the comments below!

In the next couple of months we will continue updating you on everything about the process of making album no. 6 so if you want to constantly be in the loop, keep checking our news section. For all the major updates, you can also always check back to our dedicated section regarding this new album, which you can access by clicking the button below: