This week, Sebastien Lefebvre, appeared on the Dangerous Darrin Show, the Idobi radio podcast of Darrin Pfeiffer from Goldfinger. The two musicians had lots to talk about not only because they’re both in music and they both have a podcast on Idobi radio, but also due to the fact that they’ve been acquainted for over 17 years now – ever since Goldfinger took Simple Plan out on one of their first tours after their debut album was released in 2002.
You can listen to the whole podcast here but if you don’t have the time and would just like to find out if perhaps Seb talked about anything regarding the upcoming album, the answer is yes, he did. Seb was very careful not to reveal much, but he painted the picture of what the band’s plans are for the rest of the year. Check out this part of the interview below:
Seb: Well, there’s a lot of “plans” and we’ll see if they come true. We are writing, right now, for the next album. And you know that we do take our time, even though things are going great right now [with] writing; as soon as we have things that are kind of worth our band, listening to.. we’ll put them out and we’ll make sure we’ll hurry. And get in the studio and record the songs that we love as soon as we have them. That is the plan. Does that mean in a few months? Does that mean at the end of the year? Hard to say. We’d love to do a “Beyoncé” and just like “BAM! New album today!”, like, that’d be great, but that’s not gonna be today. But we do have a few shows announced and we got some festivals in Europe and we’re gonna have probably a sprinkle of shows throughout the rest of the year, just to keep us busy, because it’s all like, at some point, when you’re every single day at the studio, trying to come up with ideas, you kinda wanna get on stage. So, we’re gonna do that, but the main focus will be to write and make sure, and hopefully make sure… [that] hopefully soon [we’ll] have a new album ready for everyone.