In the past few months, many Simple Plan fans have grabbed their chance to receive a personalized greeting from a member of Simple Plan on the platform called Cameo. There, for a small fee, you can request a video message from your favorite artist – asking them a question, to play you a song or just to say hi.
So far, Pierre Bouvier and Chuck Comeau from Simple Plan, who’ve been on Cameo for a while now, have become very popular on this platform, fulfilling many of their fans’ requests. Now, you might have missed this, as he didn’t promote it much on his social media channels, but Sebastien Lefebvre from the band has now also joined Cameo. Go check out his profile right here and perhaps hit him up with a request.
We have now added all of these official Cameo profiles to our official Simple Plan links section, to make it easier for you to sort our fake and official profiles.