If you were following our Twitter or Facebook profile at about 7pm EST (12pm GMT) yesterday, then you found there links to watch the Canada For Haiti show live. Many canadian celebrities, Simple Plan including, attended this telethon in order to make people donate money for the victims of the earthquake on Haiti.
Even though we didn’t expect anyone but Sebastien, David and Jeff, who confirmed their appereance, Pierre and Chuck appeared there at least in a video, where celebrities asked people to donate for this good cause. You can check out the video right here:
Apparently, thanks to this canadian telethon, more than 9 million dollars were donated through Canada For Haiti! Plus, Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised during a taped message that the donated money would be matched, dollar for dollar, by the federal government – which means more than 18 million dollars will go to Haiti from Canada. Right after this programme, a much bigger telethon – Hope For Haiti – aired from New York, Los Angeles and London, including performances and appereances of famous celebrities.
David, Jeff a Sebastien attended personally one of the other events that followed Canada For Haiti, particularly Ensemble Pour Haiti, where they made a donation of $10 000 dollars through the Simple Plan Foundation to support Haiti. Thanks to Sab you can check out the video from Ensemble Pour Haiti right here with english subtitles:
Below you can check out few photos from their appereance on Ensemble Pour Haiti in our gallery.*

* As you may have noticed, our gallery suddenly deleted itself, which means we had to make a step to start building a new one. This time it’s located directly on our website, the design is still the same, the only difference is that we have to fill it up with the lost 18 000 photos again. Pictures will be uploaded to it from now on and let’s just hope it will be back to its former size again soon.