Simple Plan working on a special surprise for Japanese fans

As of the last couple of weeks, Pierre and Chuck have been stuck at the Chalice Recording Studios and most recently at Atlantic Records Studios in Los Angeles writing and recording new songs for the upcoming EP that should be released by the end of this year.

But according to the latest tweet from Chuck, apart from the EP, the guys have been also working on a special project for the Japanese fans. Chuck didn’t add any more information on this, but if we put two and two together, we might be able to figure it out on our own.

My colleagues over at recently came across news that Simple Plan will be releasing a special Get Your Heart On! (Tour Edition) version of their latest album in Japan. The release date is set for March 27th 2013.

This is not the first time a “tour edition” of some of their records have been released only for a specific market. A couple years ago, their second album “Still Not Getting Any” was also available in a tour edition, offering the fans new acoustic tracks and also never-seen-before footage on a DVD.

And since the guys are currently in the studio working on this project, we can assume that the Get Your Heart On! (Tour Edition) might even include either some new versions of the songs that we already know or even some extra unreleased songs.