Tag Archives: tattoo

Aaron Della Vedova continues working on Pierre’s tattoo

For almost 3 years now, Pierre has been having done a full sleeve of tattoos on his right leg by tattoo artist Aaron Della Vedova, who has also previously done his arm sleeve and the tattoo on the side of his chest. Yesterday, Pierre went in for another tattoo session with Aaron to continues getting his leg tattoo finished. You can check out their progress on the pictures that Pierre shared on his Instagram last night:

PHOTO: Pierre’s tattoo session

After a couple years of touring, Pierre finally has some time to rest and also some time to get his leg tattoo finished – and colored-in [if you want to see how it tooked up till now – check out a picture here]. Yesterday, Pierre visited the Guru tattoo studios in San Diego, where he had another session with his tattoo artist Aaron Della Vedova. Check out the work on Pierre’s leg so far:

New section: fan tattoos

Perhaps you have already been wondering for a while now whether to get a SP ink or not. Maybe the band’s logo? Maybe parts of their lyrics? Or perhaps you don’t have any clue what to get and are still looking forsome inspiration. For you, and also for those of you who are just dying to check out other fans’ Simple Plan tattoos from all around the world, I have created a brand new section on SimplePlan.cz, which you will be able to find from now on under the “Fun” category: Fan tattoos!

The first ten submitted tattoos from people from Twitter and Facebook are already up:

If you personally have any SP-related tattoo and would like to share it with the world, make sure to post it either on our Facebook page or on our Twitter!

The adventures of Mr. Bouvier

Let’s have a little rest from all the recent official updates and let’s take a look at what the lead singer of Simple Plan, Pierre Bouvier, has been up to lately. Even though he has been pretty busy with all the stuff that’s going on with his band, he made some time to head back to California for a while and meet up with his tattoo artist, Aaron Della Vedova (who has already worked on some of Pierre’s previous tattoes) so that Aaron could continue working on Pierre’s next tattoo.

According to the video, that was posted on Guru Tattoo’s (Aaron’s tattoo shop) Facebook page, you can see it’s actually an octopus tattoo, which spreads around Pierre’s whole right leg.

As of this moment, (or at least according to what we’ve been able to spot) Pierre currently has tattoes on his ankle, arm, side of stomach and now on his leg. You can check out the full size of the pictures of Pierre’s new tattoo (on the right) in our gallery.

And we’re gonna stick with Pierre for another while: it’s not been very long since Pierre has finally crossed the magical barrier of 100 000 followers on Twitter, so he decided to give something back to his loyal fans and came up with a surprise: the first part of it is a video of Pierre playing drums for the new Simple Plan song “Can’t Keep My Hands Off You” (the second part of the surprise should be a Ustream webchat: the time has not been announced yet, but I’ll keep you informed on our Facebook and Twitteru). This is what Pierre noted to the video:

Here is me pursuing one of my passions… drums! I played over our song “Can’t keep my hands off you” with my Vdrums. You’ll notice a glitch at the end of the bridge. I had to cut and edit the drum fill cause i suck too much and i couldn’t get it right the first take. LOL… Chuck is pretty good. Enjoy!