Tag Archives: tattoo

Christmas present from Pierre: vlog from 2008

To atone for not being on Twitter for a while and also a little bit because it’s Christmas, Pierre decided to publish today a never-seen-before footage from Israel in 2008 as a Xmas gift to all the fans. This video, edited by Pierre includes shots of the first visit of Simple Plan in Jerusalem.

Plus, you will also be able to have a look at Seb’s tattoo on the right side of his stomach, which he hasn’t showed much yet:

Pierre continues working on his newest tattoo

For few months, we have been all speculating whether the marks that have been showing from under Pierre’s pants on some pictures, have been his newest tattoo on his right leg or not. And it seems like Pierre won’t just stop getting new tattooes, as he has said on his Twitter yesterday that he is getting some more work done on the last piece of his bodyart, confirming the newest tattoo is indeed real.

So far, Pierre currently has four tattoes on his body (well… at least the four we know about): his whole left arm, a swan on the right side of his chest, SP logo on the back side of his right calf and now the newest on on his right thigh.

Check out a picture of Pierre’s newest tattoo in our gallery:

Does Pierre have a new tattoo?

On one of the new pictures from Simple Plan’s acoustic performance in China, one can clearly see something that resembles a new tattoo somewhere around Pierre’s right knee area (thanks [spk] for noticing). You can check out the enlarged version of this possible new tattoo on the picture below. So far Pierre didn’t confirm any new tattoo, anyways there is a possibility that it could be a part of his third tattoo – a swan, that he has tattooed on the right side of his chest. Apart from this tattoo, Pierre also owns a tattoo on his left arm and a SP symbol on his right calf.

So what do YOU think? Could this be a new Pierre’s tattoo?


Thanks to Lupita, here is a a slightly better picture of this new Pierre’s tattoo – from a recent interview – here

A picture of Seb’s tattoo

We have mentioned Sebastien’s new tattoo on his right waist few times this year already. You could have seen it for the first time on the photo from the backstage of the SP show on October 31st 2008 (Halloween).

Sebastien himself described the tattoo as “something like a zen garden with trees, bamboos and things like that”.

Sebastien is still adding more to the tattoo and as he recently reached 20 000 followers on Twitter, he decided, as a surprise, to show the world a part of it. Here you can check it out:

Pierre showing off his new tattoo!

Few months ago, we pointed out there there is something going on on Pierre’s right side of his waist. Something that looks like a new tattoo!. But Pierre was able to keep his little secret for a pretty long time. Till now.

Few weeks ago, when the number of Pierre’s followers on Twitter was close to 20 000, Pierre promised his fans a “surprise” when they reach the borderline. The fans made it happen few days ago and Pierre kept his word and posted a photo of his whole new tattoo – a swan:

It’s Pierre’s third tattoo – the first one is the SP logo on his right calf and the second one is Pierre’s tattooed left arm.